The Map | Plot | Limit
to Selected Shape command
limits the map in the plot window to a user-defined, closed region. The
region can be specified with a polygon,
spline polygon, rectangle
(square), rounded
rectangle, or ellipse
(circle). The Limit to Selected Shape
command is available in the context menu when an appropriate object is
selected. Access the context menu by right-clicking with the mouse.
1. Draw a closed shape and select it, or select an existing shape object. Only one object may be used with the Limit to Selected Shape command. The object can be on any layer.
2. When a valid shape is selected, the Limit to Selected Shape command is enabled. Click Map | Plot | Limit to Selected Shape. The map limits are changed to fit the selected shape. The legend and scale bar exist outside the map limits and are not affected by the Limit to Selected Shape command. Any objects outside of the new map limits will become hidden. The objects will be visible in the Object Manager, but they will not be visible in the plot window.
3. To return the map to its original limits, set the Method in the Limits page of the Plot Properties to Use map limits.
MapViewer can edit and combine boundaries to create one object from many. Once the shapes you wish to use to limit the map are combined into one object, you can use the Limit to Selected Shape command. First, change any rectangles (squares), rounded rectangles, or ellipses (circles) to polygons with the Symmetric Shape to Polygon command. Polylines can be made into polygons with the Polyline to Polygon with Shared Border command. Next, combine the polygons with the Union of Polygons or Combine Islands/Lakes commands. Finally, select the single polygon you created with the preceding commands, and click the Limit to Selected Shape command.
See Also