
The Boundary | Islands/Lakes | Combine command groups all selected areas into a single complex polygon. Complex areas can be made from areas that are touching or are completely separate, or can even use one area contained completely inside another area. Each individual area in the group is called an island. An example of islands that can form a complex area is the Hawaiian Islands. You can also have one area completely inside another area. This is referred to as a lake. Lakes form holes in a complex area so you can see through the lake to any underlying objects.


One of the original areas' primary ID, secondary ID, and other attributes and properties are assigned to all the islands. You can assign properties through the Object Manager or the Property Manager. If one area is inside another area, the inside area becomes a hole inside the larger area so you can see through to any underlying objects. The inner area(s) do not have IDs.

Complex areas can be separate islands as

shown for Hawaii (top), or can contain lakes

that form holes in the larger area (bottom).



See Also

Split Islands/Lakes

Reverse Island/Lakes

Selecting Objects

Boundary Tab Commands