Lesson 5.2 - Drawing Objects on the Plot - Tutorial

Next, we will add a title for the map by drawing rounded rectangle and text objects.


Drawing a Rounded Rectangle

First we will draw a rounded rectangle to surround the text.


1.   Click the Draw | Shape | Rounded Rectangle command. The cursor changes to a crosshair in the plot window to indicate draw mode is enabled.

2.   Click and drag in the plot window to create the rounded rectangle.

3.   Press ESC or click the Draw | Tools | Select command to end draw mode.

4.   Click the Rounded Rectangle in the Object Manager if it isn't already selected. Next, click the Fill tab in the Property Manager to view the Fill page.

5.   Select Solid in the Pattern palette and select 10% Black in the Foreground color palette.

Drawing Text

Next we will draw a text object for the map title.


1.   Click the Draw | Shape | Text command. The cursor changes to a crosshair to indicate draw mode is enabled.

2.   Click the plot window where you want the text to be drawn. The point you click is a reference point for drawing the text. Later, you can edit the text location in relation to the reference point in the font properties page.

3.   Clicking in the plot window opens the Text Editor. Change the font size to about 40 pts and type a title into the Text Editor. Click OK when you are finished adding text.


Aligning the Rounded Rectangle and Text

The rounded rectangle can be moved and resized by clicking and dragging on the object or its selection handles. The text box can be moved and sized in this manner, or by changing the font size in the Property Manager or Text Editor. Below is one method for aligning the objects to make a visually appealing title.


1.   First, be sure that the "Text" object is above the "Rounded Rectangle" in the Object Manager. If the draw order is reversed, the rounded rectangle fill will cover the text, so it is not visible. Change object order in the Object Manager by clicking and dragging the object name, or using the Arrange | Move commands.

2.   Next, hold CTRL and click the "Text" object and "Rounded Rectangle" object in the Object Manager. Or, hold SHIFT and click the text and rounded rectangle objects in the plot window.

3.   Click the Arrange | Align | Center and Arrange | Align | Middle commands to have MapViewer align the objects.

4.   While both objects are selected, click and drag them to your desired location.


You can experiment with the Align Objects commands, Arrange | Size and Postition fields, Text Editor, and Font Properties to further refine object placement in relation to the map or relation to the page.  


Back to Lesson 5.1 - Adding a Legend

Next to Lesson 5.3 - Adding Graticule Lines to Show the Map Coordinate System