The Map page of the Property Manager contains graph size, position, orientation, baseline, and breakline properties for line graph maps and multi-graph maps.
Change line graph size, position, and display options in the Map page
of the Property Manager.
The Size
group contains settings for line graph
and multi-graph Width
and Height and the line graph
Base height. The Height
value changes the maximum Y axis height of the graph. The Width
value changes the maximum X axis width of the graph. The Base
height is the height between the X axis line and the minimum data
value. Change the Width, Height, and Base
height values by typing into the box or clicking the buttons. The Width,
Height, and Base
height values are in page units.
The centroid is the geographic center of an polygon, the midpoint along a polyline, or the location of a point. The centroid location can be moved for all objects with the Move Centroids command. The Centroid offset property is used to offset each graph from the centroid position. Center, Left, Right, Above, and Below position the graph in the specified direction relative to the centroid. User defined enables editing in the X offset and Y offset boxes so you can enter any offset amount. The offsets must be specified in page units.
Line graph data can be graphed vertically or horizontally. Select Vertical or Horizontal in the Graph orientation list to select the graph orientation. The graph fill is on the left side of the graph, and the profile fill is on the right side of the graph for a vertically oriented graph. In a horizontally oriented graph, the graph fill is above the profile fill.
By default, line graphs are graphed in ascending order. If you wish to graph the data in descending order, click the Descending graph check box. When the graph is descending, the maximum value is on the left side of the graph for vertical line graphs or on the top of the graph for horizontal line graphs.
Click the Show baseline check box to add a baseline to the line graphs. When a baseline is drawn on the map, the baseline line properties can be edited.
A breakline can be added to the line or multi graphs to identify a specific data value. Typically a break line is used to identify a benchmark or threshold value. Click the Show breakline check box to add a breakline to the line graphs. When a breakline is drawn on the map, the Break value and line properties can be edited. Type a number into the Break value box to set the breakline position.
See Also