The Map | Layer | Lock command
locks the active layer and all of the objects on
the active layer. When the layer is locked, the size, position, and properties
of the layer and all its objects cannot be changed. Objects, including
drawn objects, cannot
be added to a locked layer. Select a layer in the Object
Manager, and click the Map | Layer
| Lock command to lock the layer.
There are two images that indicate a locked layer. First the show/hide
icon in the Object Manager
has a lock in the lower right corner . Also, the Map | Layer | Lock command stays
yellow when the active layer is locked
The Move/Size All Layers command will not move or size a locked layer. The map limits and projection are changed however, so portions of the map may fall outside of the map limits when unlocked layers are moved with the Move/Size All Layers command. In most cases, all layers should be unlocked before using the Move/Size All Layers command.
See Also