Measure Distance

The Analysis | Distance | Measure Distance command allows you to measure the distance between points on a map. Once the Measure Distance command is selected, you can click multiple points on a map to measure distance or you can hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse to measure distance. The distance is displayed near the cursor and in the status bar. Right-clicking the mouse removes the last point and subtracts the distance from the total.

Measure Distance tracks distance as you move your cursor.


Distance Units

The distance units are set on the Units page in the Property Manager. If your map has unknown units, page units will be displayed. You can use Map | Calibrate | Calibrate to change into known units.


Multiple Measurements

You can continue making measurements while the Measure Distance command is selected. Press ENTER on your keyboard or double-click with your mouse to make a new measurement. When you start a new measurement, the distance line and distance measured are removed from the screen. When you are finished measuring, press ESC.


Saving the Distance Curve

To save the curve created with the Measure Distance command, check the Save line after measuring distance option in the User Interface page of the Options dialog.



See Also

Distance of Travel

Shortest Path

Tabulated Distance

Analysis Tab Commands