Radial Basis Function interpolation is a diverse group of data interpolation methods. All of the Radial Basis Function methods are exact interpolators, so they attempt to honor your data. You can introduce a smoothing factor to all the methods in an attempt to produce a smoother surface.
In the Property Manager
page, select Radial
Basis Function as the Gridding method
and then click the Advanced Options button
to display the Radial Basis Options
Select the basis function, R2 parameter, and anisotropy options in the
Radial Basis Options dialog.
The Basis function list specifies the basis kernel function to use during gridding. This defines the optimal weights applied to the data points during the interpolation. In terms of the ability to fit your data and to produce a smooth surface, the Multiquadric method is considered by many to be the best. Successful use of the Thin Plate Spline basis function is also reported regularly in the technical literature.
The basis kernel functions define the optimal set of weights to apply to the data points when interpolating a grid node. The available basis kernel functions are listed in the Basis function drop-down list in the Radial Basis Function Options dialog.
Type |
Equation |
Inverse Multiquadric |
Multilog |
Multiquadric |
Natural Cubic Spline |
Thin Plate Spline |
h is the anisotropically rescaled, relative distance from the point to the node
R2 is the smoothing factor specified by the user
The R2 parameter is a shaping or smoothing factor. The larger the R2 parameter shaping factor, the rounder and smoother the results. There is no universally accepted method for computing an optimal value for this factor. A reasonable trial value for R2 parameter is between the average sample spacing and one-half the average sample spacing.
The default value for R2 in the Radial Basis Function gridding algorithm is calculated as follows:
(length of diagonal of the data extent)2 / (25 * number of data points)
For more information about anisotropy options see Anisotropy.
Radial Basis Function References
See Also