Select the Analysis | Make Report |
Text Look-Up Table command
to display text object coordinates in a report.
You can edit, save, and print the report in the report window.
After selecting Analysis | Make Report | Text Look-Up Table, the Report Text Coordinates dialog appears.
Select which layers and text coordinates are reported,
if the text is quoted, and coordinate units in the
Report Text Coordinates dialog.
You can select a coordinate type from the Coordinate display unit list.
If you would like to include all the layers in the report, check the Include all layers box.
Check the Split coordinates into 2 columns box to create one column for the X coordinates and one column for Y coordinates, for example, -3642867.50 2541774.00. If this box is not checked, the coordinates appear in one column, for example, (-3642867.50, 2541774.00).
To include only visible text in the report, check the Visible text only box.
To include text strings in quotes, check the Quote text box. This is important if you have spaces in the ID fields and wish to import the information into a spreadsheet, such as MapViewer's worksheet.
See Also