MapViewerTM Help

There are several ways to get help in MapViewer:


Getting Help from the Help Menu

Within MapViewer, the online help file is opened by clicking the Home | Help | Contents , Home | Help | Commands, Home | Help | Automation, or Home | Help | Tutorial commands. You can navigate help using the Contents, Index, and Search pages in the navigation pane to the left of the topic page. The navigation pane can be displayed with the button and hidden with the button. Note that the Search page offers advanced search options including phrases, wildcards, Boolean, and nested searching.


Getting Help from the Golden Software Web Site

You can connect to various Web pages within the Golden Software Web site directly from MapViewer by selecting one of the following commands listed under File | Online.


Help is also available through the MapViewer support forum located at You can click the Forums button at the top of the help window to access the support forums. You can post questions to the support forum or you can read the existing questions to see if your question has been answered.


Getting Help by E-Mail

Use the File | Feedback commands to send a problem report, suggestion, or information request by e-mail.


MapViewer Features

The features list provides an overview of MapViewer's new features.


Obtaining Information on Dialogs and Commands

To obtain information about dialogs or highlighted commands:

§      Press F1 at anytime to open help.

§      Click the button in dialogs to open the help topic pertaining to that dialog.

§      Find out the function of highlighted menu commands or open dialogs by pressing F1.

§      Click the button, or press SHIFT+F1 on your keyboard, then click a ribbon command, toolbar button, or screen region to view information regarding that item.


Automation Help

Each object, method, and property has a help topic in MapViewer. Use the object hierarchy or Debug | Browse in Scripter to determine how to access each object. Also, each method and property contains some sample code lines with the command. To find out how a particular method or property is accessed click the object name in the Used by list. In some cases, you may need to change some words to work with the particular object if the sample was not specifically written for the object. Additional examples are located in MapViewer's SAMPLES folder.


MapViewer Overview

For general information on MapViewer go to Introduction to MapViewer, What is a Thematic Map?, Map Window, Tutorial, and Creating and Editing Thematic Maps.