The Home | Data | Reproject Data File(s)
command reprojects
coordinates in data files. You must know the coordinate's original projection
to use this command. See the individual projection types for a description
of the projection settings. If you do not choose appropriate projection
settings, your data may not display correctly. Please refer to the United
States Geological Survey professional paper 1395, Map
Projections - A Working Manual by John Snyder for more information
on projections.
After Home | Data | Reproject Data File(s) is selected, select one or more data files in the Open Data File dialog and the Reproject XY Coordinates in Data File dialog is displayed. To select multiple data files, use the SHIFT or CTRL keys.
Reproject XY Coordinates in Data File Dialog
Reproject a data file in the Reproject XY Coordinates in Data File dialog.
Input File
The input file is selected after clicking the Home | Data | Reproject Data File(s) command. The data file is listed in the Input file box. If multiple data files are selected, the Input file box displays the path only.
XY Coordinate Locations
Select the data file's X and Y coordinate columns from the X coordinate column and Y coordinate column lists.
Sample Data
The Sample data grid displays some data from the selected X and Y coordinate columns.
Output File
Select the output file path and file name in the Output
file box. Type a new path and file name into the box or click the
button to browse to a folder and select a file name. The default file
name is the original file name with the current output projection name
appended to avoid overwriting the original file.
Check the Backup existing output file box to create a backup file of the output data file with a [.BAK] extension.
Multiple Files
Check the Same setting for multiple file conversion box if you are converting similar multiple data files. The data files should contain the XY columns in the same position and have the same input projection. If this box is checked, the output projection is the same for each file. If this box is checked, you can append a post-fix to each file through the Auto-append filename post-fix box.
If the Same setting for multiple file conversion box is not checked, the dialog reappears for each file. This allows you to select the XY columns, input projection, and output projection for each file.
Choose the input and output projections projection from the Projection lists. If the projection has options, click the Settings button to open the Modify Projection Settings dialog. The options in this dialog vary depending on which projection is selected. Refer to the specific projection in online help for more information on the specific options. If State Plane 1927, State Plane 1983, or Universal Transverse Mercator is selected, choose the appropriate zone in the Zone list.
See the Datums topic for detailed information on datum. In the Reproject XY Coordinates in Data File dialog, check the Apply datum conversion box to activate the Datum lists and then select the input and output datum you wish to use. If you select the User Defined datum, click the Custom button to define the datum.
If the projection is not Unprojected Lat/Long, select the input and output units from the Data units lists.
See Also
Introduction to Map Projections
Latitude/Longitude Coordinates
Latitude/Longitude in Decimal Degrees