The Ruler object contains the properties for the horizontal and vertical rulers in the map window.
The following script demonstrates how the Ruler object is referenced.
Sub Main
'Declares mvApp as an object
Dim mvApp As Object
'Creates an instance of the MapViewer Application
'object and assigns it to the variable named "mvApp"
Set mvApp = CreateObject("MapViewer.Application")
'Makes MapViewer visible
mvApp.Visible = True
'Declares Plot as an object
Dim Plot As Object
'Creates a PlotDocument object in MapViewer
'and assigns it to the variable named "Plot"
Set Plot = mvApp.Documents.Add(mvDocPlot)
'Declares Windows as an object
Dim Windows As Object
'Assigns the Windows Collection to the
'variable named "Windows"
Set Windows = mvApp.Windows(1)
'Declares Ruler as an object
Dim Ruler As Object
'Returns a reference to the vertical ruler
Set Ruler = Windows.VerticalRuler
End Sub