PolyCounts Property


The PolyCounts property returns the number of vertices per sub-area. Returns an array of longs. This is a read-only property.






This example demonstrates how to return the number of vertices per sub-area within an area. The first two statements create an array of longs named PolyCounts then store the number of vertices per sub-area within the array. The remaining statements allow the number of vertices of all sub-areas within any area to be returned.


Dim PolyCounts() As Long

PolyCounts() = Polygon.PolyCounts


Dim FirstSubPoly As Integer

FirstSubPoly = LBound(PolyCounts)


Dim LastSubPoly As Integer

LastSubPoly = UBound(PolyCounts)


Dim SubPolyNumber as Integer

For SubPolyNumber = FirstSubPoly to LastSubPoly step 1

 Debug.Print PolyCounts(SubPolyNumber)

Next SubPolyNumber


Used by: Area Object