KeepPrism Property


The KeepPrism property returns or sets the prism map Change boundaries to overlay on even-height prisms upon switching to basemap option. Returns a Boolean.




object.KeepPrism = KeepPrism







required; true to use even-height prisms



To use this command correctly, MaxHeight and MinHeight must be equal. Use the CreateBaseMap method to convert the prism map to a base map.


Before converting to a base map, use the Wait command to make sure the prism map is created. The prism map is not created until the map is invalidated. Invalidation will not happen if the plot window is not visible and if the wait time is not long enough. If the wait time is not long enough, the program cannot find the prism map and switching to base map will not yield prism bitmap. The wait time depends on the computer speed.


'Make sure the plot window is visible for the

'prism map to invalidated.

 MapViewerApp.Visible = True


'Wait for 1 second for invalidation to finish.

'The wait time depends on the computer speed.



Example 1

This example returns the state of keeping the even-height prisms if the map is switched to a base map.


Debug.Print PrismMap.KeepPrism


Example 2

This example preserves even-height prisms and changes the prism map to a base map.


PrismMap.MaxHeight = 0.5

PrismMap.MinHeight = 0.5

PrismMap.KeepPrism = True




Used by: PrismMap object