

The CopyDocProjection method copies the document's projection information. Returns a Projection object.






In order to convert a map document's projection, it is necessary to make a copy of the current map document projection with the CopyDocProjection method. Make the desired changes to the copy of the projection, apply the new changes with the ConvertProjection method, and then delete the copy of the projection. NOTE: It is important to delete the copy of the projection created with CopyDocProjection when you are done with it. If the projection copy is not deleted, the MapViewer application process will run even after MapViewer and Scripter are closed.



This example makes a copy of the current map document projection and assigns it to the variable "Proj".


Set Proj = Plot.CopyDocProjection


'Change the projection type to Albers Equal Area Conic

 Proj.ProjectionType = mvProjAlbersEqualAreaConic


'Convert the current map document's projection  

'to the project assigned to the Proj variable



'Delete the Proj object



Used by: PlotDocument object