Intersect Polygons

The Boundary | New Boundaries | Intersect Polygons command creates a new boundary from two or more intersecting boundaries. The area that intersects all selected boundaries is the new area. The original areas outside of the intersecting portion are removed. You can apply a unique line style to the new traced boundary for emphasis, and assign a primary ID to the new area so you can link it to data. If none of the selected boundaries overlap, a new boundary is not created.

Use the Intersect Areas command to create a new

area (green on right) from intersecting areas (left).


To use the Intersect Polygons command:

1.    Select all the areas that define the boundary of overlapping areas.

2.    Choose the Boundary | New Boundaries | Intersect Polygons command.

3.    Select options for the original areas and lakes in the Intersect Areas dialog.

4.    Click the OK button and the intersecting area is created.


Intersect Areas Dialog

Select whether to keep original areas and/or

lakes in the Intersect Areas dialog.


Keep Original Areas

When Keep original areas is activated, the intersection of the selected areas is traced to create a new area while leaving the original selected areas unchanged. When Keep original areas is NOT activated, the areas are used  to create a new area, and the original group is deleted.


Keep Inner Lakes

When Keep inner lakes is activated, inner boundaries, called lakes, are included in the new traced boundary. When Keep inner lakes is not activated, inner boundaries, called lakes, are removed from the new traced boundary.



See Also

Combine Islands

Selecting Objects

Union of Areas

Difference of Areas


Boundary Tab Commands