List of Math Text Instructions


Note: Instruction names are case insensitive (\fs50, \FS50, \Fs50 or \fS50 are all valid).


 \aX Insert an ANSI character with code given by X (0 to 255).
 \b  Embolden text.
 \date Inserts the date when text is output.
 \dnX Moves text baseline down X% of current font size.
 \f"X" Change to the typeface named X.
 \fsX Change font size to X% of current size.
 \i  Italicize text.
 \plain Set "plain" text (normal weight, no italic, underlining or strikethrough).
 \rpX Restore current position to position #X (1-20) on the current line.
 \spX Save current position as position #X (1-20) on the current line.
 \strike Strikethrough text.
 \time Inserts the time when text is output.
 \upX Moves text baseline up X% of current font size.
 \ul Underline text.


[Note: The \sp and \rp instructions only refer to positions on the same line.]


The following instructions allow the text color to be set to an arbitrary RGB (Red,Green,Blue) value:


 \rgbrX Sets amount of red in an RGB text color (X=0 to 255).
 \rgbgX Sets amount of green in an RGB text color (X=0 to 255).
 \rgbbX Sets amount of blue in an RGB text color (X=0 to 255).

The following instructions are provided to make it easy to set basic text colors:


 \black Sets text color to black.
 \blue Sets text color to blue.
 \green  Sets text color to green.
 \cyan Sets text color to cyan.
 \red Sets text color to red.
 \magenta Sets text color to magenta.
 \yellow Sets text color to yellow.
 \white Sets text color to white.
 \gray Sets text color to gray.